Local Information
Burton City Hall Mayor - Karen Buck
Position #5 - Macie Grimm Tidwell City Council meetings are held the second Tuesday of every month __________________________________________________ Click on City of Burton blue logo to visit their Website Burton Almanac
| Local Services Burton City Hall is located at 12200 E. Mulberry/Spur 125 P.O.Box 255 Burton, TX 77835 979-289-3402 Monday-Thursday, 9am-3pm Burton City Secretary, Angela Harrington burtonsecr@cityofburton-tx.gov For questions on Water/Sewer/Trash Collection Telephone Company Frontier 800-921-8101 Electric Company Bluebonnet Electric 888-622-2583 Local Law Enforcement Burton Vol. Fire Dept. Emergency 911 It is requested that you notify Washington County 911 at (979)277-7373 prior to burning Washington County Sheriff Non-Emergency- 979-277-6251 Burton Independent School District www.burtonisd.net 12500 Cedar Street Justice Of The Peace, Harold C. Riddle- 979-289-2921_420 N. Main Street, Burton, TX. Monday-Friday 8am-12pm and 1-5pm (closed holidays)____________________________________________ |
Neighboring Chambers Washington 979-836-3695 979-249-4042 Giddings Area Chamber of Commerce 979-542-3455